/ Overview Review / Review AKL’24 / Accompanying Exhibition AKL’24 / GEFASOFT Automatisierung und Software GmbH
GEFASOFT Automatisierung und Software GmbH
GEFASOFT Automatisierung und Software GmbH develops, manufactures and sells automation systems for complex tasks in all industrial sectors. Our core competence are applications with state-of-the-art image processing and laser material processing systems. The focus is on the worldwide automotive, semiconductor and electronics industries as well as medical technology. In these industries we enable the automated production of large quantities with the highest quality requirements. Both image processing (vision) and laser technology are key technologies in modern, industrial manufacturing. The interactive integration of both technologies results in effective and process-safe precision tools and networked production plants for industry 4.0. In cooperation with long-time customers, new processes are developed in our application laboratories and technical innovations are continuously driven forward, which are implemented in customer-specific, validated automation solutions.
Our headquarters with administration and development is located in Regensburg. The majority of the systems are manufactured and tested here. Our plant in Nittendorf houses parts production and additional areas for the assembly and commissioning of production lines.
The basis of our success are our employees. We are proud of our team of academics, engineers and qualified specialists who are active worldwide in the installation of systems and machines. They represent decades of experience, curiosity and innovation. They are supported by our branch in Mexico and Hungary and our service partners in Brazil, Malaysia and China.
Review AKL'24
Booth 4
GEFASOFT Automatisierung und Software GmbH Regensburg
Franz-Mayer-Straße 10
93053 Regensburg
Phone +49 (0) 9 41 7 88 30-0
Your Contact Person on-site
Dimitri Engel
Phone +49 941 788 30 488