/ Overview Review / Review AKL’24 / Accompanying Exhibition AKL’24 / Light Conversion
Light Conversion
Founded in 1994 as a Vilnius University spin-off, LIGHT CONVERSION is now a major ultrafast laser technology company with over 7500 systems installed worldwide and over 500 employees, 10% of whom hold PhD degrees. LIGHT CONVERSION designs and manufactures femtosecond lasers, wavelength-tunable sources (OPAs), optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers (OPCPAs), microscopy sources, and spectroscopy systems for industrial, scientific, and medical applications. Ultrafast applications are covered by industrial-grade PHAROS, CARBIDE, and FLINT femtosecond lasers. TOPAS and ORPHEUS series of OPAs constitute around 80% of the global market for continuously-wavelength-tunable ultrafast sources. HARPIA series offers complete solutions for ultrafast spectroscopy and CRONUS lasers are the optimal sources for advanced nonlinear microscopy. Furthermore, LIGHT CONVERSION has decades of experience building world-class OPCPA systems, such as the SYLOS system at the ELI-ALPS facility, delivering CEP-stabilized few-cycle multi-TW output.
Review AKL'24
Booth 62
Light Conversion
Keramikų g. 2B
10233 Vilnius
Phone +370 5 249 18 30
Your Contact Person on-site
Valdas Maslinskas
Phone +370 5 247 2232