/ Overview Review / Review AKL’24 / Accompanying Exhibition AKL’24 / Polytec
For more than 50 years and with almost 500 employees worldwide, the high-tech company Polytec has been developing, producing and selling optical measurement technology for research and industry. This includes systems for vibration measurement, surface characterization, length and velocity measurement, process analytics, and optical systems. Polytec operates subsidiaries in Europe, North America and Asia and offers a worldwide service network. The innovative quality products enjoy an excellent reputation in the international professional community.
Polytec’s optical 3D measurement systems characterize surfaces in a non-contact, areal, reliable and fast way. They capture the finest topographic details and analyze parameters such as roughness, flatness, step height and parallelism in both the micro and macro range. The white-light interferometers also master inline quality control or closed-loop manufacturing at high cycle rates. Polytec is also part of the “Fair Data Sheet” initiative and involved in ISO activities for surface metrology.
Review AKL'24
Booth 26
Polytec GmbH
Polytec-Platz 1-7
76337 Waldbronn
Phone +49 (0) 7243 604-0