/ Overview Review / Review AKL’24 / Accompanying Exhibition AKL’24 / Precitec GmbH & Co. KG
Precitec GmbH & Co. KG
Precitec is a specialist supplier of highly sophisticated laser systems for material processing. The products are well-known for their reliability and industrial suitability.
Processing heads for laser cutting are available for all types of lasers, e.g. CO2 and solid state lasers with different laser power and classes of accuracy. Equipped with non-contact and long-term stabilised distance and process sensor systems, these heads achieve optimal cutting quality.
For laser joining Precitec offers processing heads and automated quality control systems as all-in-one complete integrated packages. Before the welding process high resolution cameras detect the position and geometry of the joint by using triangulation principle and grey scale value analysis to move the welding head to the exact point. In-process sensors and cameras then provide information on the welding process stability and any welding defects. Post-process cameras measure the geometry and the surface of the seam.
Review AKL'24
Booth 51
Precitec GmbH & Co. KG
Draisstr. 1
76571 Gaggenau
Phone +49 7225 684-0
Your Contact Person on-site
Dr. Markus Kogel-Hollacher
Mobil +49 172 9338453