/ Overview Review / Review AKL’24 / Accompanying Exhibition AKL’24 / PT Photonic Tools GmbH
Pulsar Photonics GmbH
Pulsar Photonics GmbH is an innovative high-tech company in laser technology. The company’s range of services includes laser process technology, plant engineering with software development and the laser systems technology division.
Since its foundation, the company has been intensively involved in scaling approaches for production. For customers, services ranging from professional application development and ramp-up to the construction of automatic production machines with service and know-how transfer are offered exclusively. Pulsar Photonics is continuously investing in its own production capacities for single-part and series production with (ultra) short-pulse lasers. Core processes are structuring, drilling and precision cutting. Pulsar Photonics GmbH has its headquarters in Aachen-Herzogenrath and operates two further facilities in Aachen-Verlautenheide. The company was founded in 2013 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer ILT in Aachen and financed in the growth phase by the high-tech start-up fund HTGF Bonn. Pulsar Photonics has been part of the Schunk Group since 2021.
With more than 80 employees today, the fast-growing and profitable company belongs to the German SME sector and is part of the LaserRegionAachen structural change initiative.
Further information at
Review AKL'24
Booth 5
Pulsar Photonics GmbH
Kaiserstraße 100
52134 Herzogenrath
Phone+49 2405 49504-0
Your Contact Person on-site
Dr. Marius Gipperich
Phone +49 2405 49504-28