
Wolf Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co.KG

Wolf Produktionssysteme is a medium-sized company with more than 100 employees. Complex special machines to automate the production are produced at our location in Freudenstadt.

Wolf Produktionssysteme sells worldwide automatic components, stand-alone-machines and also complete production lines. The machine technology is mostly standardized and has a modular structure. Wolf Produktionssysteme not only builds machines but is also a process specialist for connection technology.

The Wolf Technology Centre supports every customer throughout every phase of process development. The aim is a fast and perfect implementation of complex processes in concrete plants and turnkey ready machines.

The machine range focuses on three main areas:

  •  Laser processing
  • Special soldering and
  • Assembly automation

A key technology which is used in all three main areas, is the optical image processing. Its customers typically work in the fields of electrical engineering, medical technology or are suppliers of the automotive industry.

Laser Processing
Wolf Produktionssysteme is one of the leading manufacturers of machines for plastic welding with laser and laser marking. The main area for laser welding of metals are miniature parts. Depending on the specific application various lasertypes from different manufacturers are applied.

Special Soldering
Wolf is market leader of machines for laser soldering. The specific lasersystems are developed and made by Wolf Produktionssysteme.  Additionally the machine range includes the processes Iron soldering, Induction soldering, Selective soldering with miniwave and Dip soldering.

Assembly Automation
In this field Wolf Produktionssysteme is specialized on small workpieces (maximum carrier size 240 x 240 mm), cycletimes of between 5 and 15 seconds and transfersystems with free workpiece carrier circulation. Since 1988 when the company was founded a comprehensive know-how on a large spectrum of assembly processes was built up.


Booth 30

Wolf Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bürkle-Straße 6
72250 Freudenstadt

Telefon +49 7441 8992-0

Your Contact Person on-site
Nico Reinheimer
Telefon +49 7441 8992-163

Supporting Organizations