/ Overview Review / Review AKL’24 / Accompanying Exhibition AKL’24 / Fusion Bionic GmbH
Fusion Bionic GmbH
Fusion Bionic, a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, develops and markets systems to produce bio-inspired surfaces using patented laser interference microtexturing technologies. The company improves the product performance in various industries using laser-generated surface textures inspired by natural blueprints such as the Lotus leaf and Moth-eye. All these surface textures replace ecologically harmful processes, such as chemical de-icing, sandblasting, or etching, while meeting the demand of increased product performance via industrial-scale surface finishing.
Review AKL'24
Booth 68
Fusion Bionic GmbH
Löbtauer Straße 69
01159 Dresden
Phone +49 (0) 351 160 740 68
Your Contact Person on-site
Andreas Storz