/ Überblick Rückblick / Rückblick AKL’24 / Sponsoren-Ausstellung AKL’24 / Bloom Lasers
Bloom Lasers
BLOOM LASERS manufactures and commercializes high power fiber lasers for high throughput and precision micromachining applications. BLOOM gathers the most advanced experts and know-how in the domain of fiber laser design and UV conversion.
BLOOM innovates in high power UV lasers for industry and agile sources for complex materials processing. Lasers are built with field proven and reliable components and technologies. Lasers are designed for long term operations, in 24/7 production environment with extremely stable beam quality and very high uptime over the whole lifetime of the lasers. Long lifetime operations and high uptime are guaranteed by best practices in manufacturing.
CAREX is the flexible high-power nanosecond UV laser (343 nm) model with programmable pulses. It offers up to 45 W up to 3 MHz with switchable pulses between 2 ns and 20 ns. Burst mode also available.
YUCCA is the high-power short nanosecond UV laser (343nm) model. It offers 60 W power up to 3 MHz and short nanosecond pulses.
Main differentiation vs competition:
- Unprecedented stability and beam quality (M²<1.1, excellent circularity and astigmatism)
- Burst mode capability and high power/ high PRF operation. Example: 343nm, 60W @ 600 kHz, 10 ns pulse duration (burst 5×2 ns)
- Laser stability along the whole operation qualification
OYAT is a cost effective picosecond QCW laser at 343 nm and 515nm. OYAT delivers as standard 50W, 50 MHz, 50 ps pulses at 343nm.
Covered industrial applications are : PCB via drilling, PCB depanelling, ITO patterning, silicon wafer processing, glass processing, battery processing, ceramic cutting, drilling, material texturing.
Rückblick AKL'24
Stand 7
Cité de la Photonique
Bâtiment Electre
Avenue de Canteranne
33600 Pessac
Telefon +33 5 64 31 17 90
Ihr Ansprechpartner vor Ort
David Horain
Telefon +33 6 32 83 53 77